Isis Meditation


Connect with the qualities of Isis, an Ancient Egyptian Goddess who represents Divine Feminine power, creativity, fertility, leadership, and the power to materialise.

Isis is an Ancient Egyptian Goddess who was worshipped as the Great Divine Mother of the Universe. Isis represents fertility and nourishment to feed her people, and intuition to connect with Spirit. She embodies inner wisdom that comes from her connection to consciousness, and with this the connection to light. Isis invites a remembrance of our healing abilities, and our ability to be in our power as women and mothers to create, manifest, speak and lead.

Isis is usually depicted with a Tyet, also know as the Knot of Isis, for protection, resurrection and eternal life. In some symbology, this has been replaced with a similar looking symbol; the Ankh, which represents all of life.

The root of the word materialise is mater, the Latin for mother. As women, we literally mother our dreams into reality; we invite our dreams and visions through us and birth those dreams and visions into physical material matter.

We can only mater - mother - our dreams and visions into physical reality if we believe that we matter. If we don’t believe that we matter, we cannot connect with the ability we have to mater.

We have been taught the powers of manifestation, yet they are connected to man - to the Divine Masculine. The Divine Feminine way is to mother - to materialise.

We have been taught that to avoid being “materialistic” - and so have been pushing away the power within us as women to materialise a life fully supported in all ways.

Our ability to materialise – to mother into being – our dreams and wishes, is a powerful gift of the Divine Mother granted to us.

This meditation welcomes you to connect with your ability to materialise. It is wonderful to do when also working together with the Isis Blueprint Essence.

© Blueprint Essences 2022, 2023

© Danica Apolline-Matić 2022, 2023

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Connect with the qualities of Isis, an Ancient Egyptian Goddess who represents Divine Feminine power, creativity, fertility, leadership, and the power to materialise.

Isis is an Ancient Egyptian Goddess who was worshipped as the Great Divine Mother of the Universe. Isis represents fertility and nourishment to feed her people, and intuition to connect with Spirit. She embodies inner wisdom that comes from her connection to consciousness, and with this the connection to light. Isis invites a remembrance of our healing abilities, and our ability to be in our power as women and mothers to create, manifest, speak and lead.

Isis is usually depicted with a Tyet, also know as the Knot of Isis, for protection, resurrection and eternal life. In some symbology, this has been replaced with a similar looking symbol; the Ankh, which represents all of life.

The root of the word materialise is mater, the Latin for mother. As women, we literally mother our dreams into reality; we invite our dreams and visions through us and birth those dreams and visions into physical material matter.

We can only mater - mother - our dreams and visions into physical reality if we believe that we matter. If we don’t believe that we matter, we cannot connect with the ability we have to mater.

We have been taught the powers of manifestation, yet they are connected to man - to the Divine Masculine. The Divine Feminine way is to mother - to materialise.

We have been taught that to avoid being “materialistic” - and so have been pushing away the power within us as women to materialise a life fully supported in all ways.

Our ability to materialise – to mother into being – our dreams and wishes, is a powerful gift of the Divine Mother granted to us.

This meditation welcomes you to connect with your ability to materialise. It is wonderful to do when also working together with the Isis Blueprint Essence.

© Blueprint Essences 2022, 2023

© Danica Apolline-Matić 2022, 2023

Connect with the qualities of Isis, an Ancient Egyptian Goddess who represents Divine Feminine power, creativity, fertility, leadership, and the power to materialise.

Isis is an Ancient Egyptian Goddess who was worshipped as the Great Divine Mother of the Universe. Isis represents fertility and nourishment to feed her people, and intuition to connect with Spirit. She embodies inner wisdom that comes from her connection to consciousness, and with this the connection to light. Isis invites a remembrance of our healing abilities, and our ability to be in our power as women and mothers to create, manifest, speak and lead.

Isis is usually depicted with a Tyet, also know as the Knot of Isis, for protection, resurrection and eternal life. In some symbology, this has been replaced with a similar looking symbol; the Ankh, which represents all of life.

The root of the word materialise is mater, the Latin for mother. As women, we literally mother our dreams into reality; we invite our dreams and visions through us and birth those dreams and visions into physical material matter.

We can only mater - mother - our dreams and visions into physical reality if we believe that we matter. If we don’t believe that we matter, we cannot connect with the ability we have to mater.

We have been taught the powers of manifestation, yet they are connected to man - to the Divine Masculine. The Divine Feminine way is to mother - to materialise.

We have been taught that to avoid being “materialistic” - and so have been pushing away the power within us as women to materialise a life fully supported in all ways.

Our ability to materialise – to mother into being – our dreams and wishes, is a powerful gift of the Divine Mother granted to us.

This meditation welcomes you to connect with your ability to materialise. It is wonderful to do when also working together with the Isis Blueprint Essence.

© Blueprint Essences 2022, 2023

© Danica Apolline-Matić 2022, 2023