Start your journey to welcome greater balance & peace in your life, enlivening your spirit and reawakening your soul
What are the Blueprint Essences®?
Blueprint Essences® are “next generation” essences for the spirit and soul.
Blueprint Essences® are liquids imbued with beautiful vibrations that support us with our wellness; how we feel emotionally. They help us live with greater balance in our lives. We are invited to connect with the essence of who we are, our inner strength, power and love in order to be empowered to heal ourselves.
They are for the New Earth leaders & warriors who feel a calling to live & lead with a powerful alignment to a vision for a better world because our world is changing.
Blueprint Essences® can be taken or used in a variety of ways to awaken & align us with our soul's journey on Earth, raise our vibration to 5D consciousness & celebrate living as part of a New Earth.
They are an invitation to enliven our spirit, reawaken our soul, and embody the greatest vision we have for ourselves at this time of great transformation on our remarkable planet.
Blueprint Essences® remind us of who we really are. They reawaken our blueprint; the sacred geometry that we are made of. They reconnect us with the unconditional love from which we have all come, the power, strength and brilliance of our spirit, and the capacity we have to celebrate and honour all of life. Find out more here.
About The Blueprint Essences®
Soul Path Consultations
Blueprint Essences® Soul Path consultations begin with a look at your Blueprint Essences® Soul Path Chart, a map of your purpose, who you are, and your gifts, challenges, and blocks in this lifetime - along with the keys that you have to unblocking them. We will also discover what you can potentially draw upon in terms of your sources of innate wisdom that your soul chose to come in with. The Blueprint Essences® Soul Path Chart illuminates what you need to know to be living your best 5D life; what that looks like when you are living the highest 5D version of yourself, and simple steps you can take to live it.
We will then explore what these essences represent for you, and your Blueprint to help you move forward in greater alignment with who you are in your journey at this moment in time.
Practitioner Training
The Blueprint Essences® Practitioner course is a journey of discovery of working with vibrations that can support the whole person.
This comprehensive 4-day course introduces the philosophy of the Blueprint Essences® and how you can use them for profound yet gentle healing for yourself, your loved ones, and as a practitioner, supporting a more enlivened spirit, a more awakened soul, and a deeper embodiment of yours and others’ greatest vision for themselves.
Why 8 Core Chakras
We have been taught throughout time that there are 7 core chakras - but what if there is a secret “hidden” one, which transforms the power of all of the others?
At Blueprint Essences®, we work with 8 core chakras, and here is the amazing reason why.
To explain the significance of this remarkable shift in our understanding, we need to take you back in time to Ancient Greece and the work of a brilliant teacher of that era - Pythagoras.